Welcome to Ryu Group

Group News*Positions available: ~2 PhD candidates (Email Sunmin Ryu)
24.09 Hwansoo & Myeongin started his new career at Samsung Electronics24.07 New undergrads for URP (SURF): Hyeonsoo SIM, Dayeon KO24.06 Seungil & Sangjin received a Poster Award @ Summer Symposium of KCS Phys. Chem. Division24.06 Myeongin presented his PhD thesis work24.05 Hwansoo presented his PhD thesis work24.03 Minji announced as the Best TA (for course of Experiments for General Chemistry)24.03 Jihun started his new career at Samsung Electronics24.02 Minhee & Yongjae started their 1st graduate year24.01 Seungil presented his PhD thesis proposal24.01 New undergrads for URP (WURF): Yongjae CHOI, Minju JEONG23.12 Jihun & Eunbeen presented their MSc thesis works23.11 Sangjin announced as the Best TA (for course of General Chemistry I)23.10 Dr. Wontaek KIM & Dr. Gyouil JEONG's work published in ACS Nano23.10 Dogyeong started his new career at Samsung Electro-Mechanics

Intro to Ryu Group

My group studies chemical principles that rule the materials of low dimensions. All lives and things consist of numerous atoms and molecules. They form not only three-dimensional bulk structures, but also tiny ones including quantum dots in displays and catalysts, nanopores in cellular membranes, stacked atom-thick sheets in battery electrodes, nanowires in functional materials. In materials that perform certain functions, whether bio or inorganic, molecules flow in and out as reactants and products along with energy. In photocatalysts and photovoltaics, for example, energy absorbed from the sun is circulated in the form of excitons or charges. Understanding the flow of matter and energy is one essential task of modern chemistry and material sciences.

My group also develops various cutting-edge laser spectroscopy and microscopy methods. We utilize scattering, absorption, and emission of light generated after interaction with the matter in the low dimensions: time-independent vs time-resolved modes for absorption and emission, spontaneous vs stimulated Raman scattering, linear vs nonlinear spectroscopy. All methods are built on high-performance optical microscopes to target tiny worlds.

Currently, my group focuses on inorganic and organic 2D materials. Graphene, an inorganic representative for example, is only one-atom-thick but can be as wide as hundreds of microns or even more. Graphene is still an aromatic molecule, gigantically conjugated. Since its first isolation from graphite in 2004, scientists have made various exciting observations (see an essay or an academic review written by one of the 2010 Nobel laureates in Physics). Recently, we created 2D molecular crystals of polyacenes, which will be the first generation of organic 2D materials. We are much excited about the novel properties that our spectroscopic tools are revealing.

See the Research section for the details. 

Positions in Ryu Group

대학원생 모집: 2차원을 비롯한 저차원 물질의 화학적 물성 탐구를 위한 레이저 분광학 연구에 뜻이 있는 석사, 박사 및 통합프로그램 신입생을 모집합니다. 자세한 내용은 "Research" 페이지를 참조하거나 류순민 교수에게 문의하기 바랍니다.  [연락처]

연구참여 학부생 인턴 모집: 여름 및 겨울방학 또는 학기 중에 연구실 경험을 하고자 하는 학부생을 모집합니다. 타교 학생들을 위한 하계(7월) 및 동계(1월) 연구참여 프로그램도 있으니 전화, 이메일 또는 연구실 방문을 통해서 확인하기 바랍니다. [연락처

Positions available for prospective PhD & MS students: My group focuses on high-impact research. For those who are interested in the graduate program, please contact Sunmin Ryu. Applicants from foreign countries will also be strongly considered. [contact]

For undergraduate students: My group can bring you fun scientific experience this summer and winter. You can work together with the other group members in solving various scientific problems. If you are interested, please contact me. [contact]

Past Group News
23.07 New undergrads for URP: Minhee CHOI23.07 New undergrads for URP (SURF): Sohyun KWON,  Yongjae YANG23.07 Jonghyun received a Poster Award @ Korean Graphene Society meeting23.07 New undergrads for URP (SURF): Deokhyeon SON23.05 Dogyeong's work published in Nature Commun.23.02 Jiyeon started her new career at Samsung Electronics23.02 Yanghee and Haneul's work published in Int. J. Mol. Sci.23.02 Minji & Sangjin started their 1st graduate year23.01 Yeri & Jonghyun presented their PhD thesis proposals23.01 New undergrad for URP(P-WURF): Suhyun KIM23.01 New undergrad for URP: Bumsoo PARK23.01 New undergrad for URP (WURF): Sookyung KIM22.12 Jiyeon presented her MSc thesis work22.12 Dogyeong presented his PhD thesis work22.11 Dr. Gyouil JEONG  started his new career at Samsung Electronics22.10 Seungil announced as the Best TA (for course of Mathematics for Chemistry)22.10 Hyesun received a Poster Award @ Korean Chemical Society meeting22.09 Suhyeon's work published in ACS Nano22.09 Haneul started her new career at Samsung Electro-Mechanics22.08 Hyunsuk embarked on his graduate course22.07 Juseung announced as the Best Poster Presenter @ Summer Symposium of KCS Phys. Chem. Division22.06 New undergrads for URP (SURF): Suhyun LEE, Minji KO & Goeun KIM22.06 New undergrads for URP:  Shinwoo LEE & Suhyun KIM22.05 Haneul received Best Dissertation Award (TCI Award) at graduation ceremony22.03 Suhyeon & Seonghyun started their new career at Samsung Electronics22.02 Haneul gave Young Chemist Colloquium (YCC) lecture22.01 Jihun, Seungil, Eunbeen & Kyungtaek started their 1st graduate year21.12 Haneul & Kwanghee's work published in Acc. Chem. Res.21.12 Kwanghee's work published in Bull. Korean Chem. Soc.21.12 Seonghyun & Suhyeon presented their PhD thesis work21.10 Hwansoo received a Poster Award @ Recent Progress in Graphene and Two-dimensional Materials Research conference 21.10 Hyesun received a Poster Award @ Korean Chemical Society meeting21.09 Sujin & Wontaek started their new career at Samsung Electronics21.08 Kwanghee started a new career at KRISS21.07 Haneul's work published in J. Phys. Chem. C21.07 Seonghyun's work published in Nano Lett.21.07 Juseung & Hyesun presented their PhD thesis proposals21.07 Best Poster Award of Phys Chem Division Symposium given to Seonghyun21.07 New undergrads for summer URP: Seungil AHN, Junsub KIM, Eunji SEO21.06 Sujin & Haneul presented their PhD thesis work21.06 Suhyeon awarded a PhD-student grant from NRF 21.06 Dr. JEONG received a 3-year NRF postdoctoral grant21.06 Wontaek & Kwanghee presented their PhD thesis work21.05 Myeongin's work published in 2D Materials21.05 Wontaek gave Young Chemist Colloquium (YCC) lecture21.02 Jiyeon & Yeri started their 1st graduate year21.02 New post-doctoral researcher joined: Dr. Gyouil JEONG21.01 Sujin's work published in J. Phys. Chem. C21.01 Jonghyun started his graduate research21.01 New undergrad joined: Kyungtaek OH & Hyerin JEONG (3rd year)20.11 Wontaek's work published in Nano Lett.20.09 Hyesun received Poster Award @ Korean Graphene Society meeting20.09 Wontaek nominated Best Speaker @ Korean Graphene Society meeting20.08 Yanghee started her career at Samsung Electronics20.07 New undergrads for summer URP: Eunbeen JEON20.07 New undergrad joined: Jongin CHO (3rd year)20.07 Best Paper Award of PSEP given to Suhyeon20.04 New undergrad joined: Jonghyun SON (4th year)20.03 Jieun accepted a position at Samsung Electronics20.01 Jieun's work published in 2D Mater.20.01 New undergrads for winter URP: Rak Hyeon CHOI & Hae Yong SHIN20.01 Yejin accepted a position at LS Cable & Systems19.12 Kwanghee & Haneul's paper covered in EurekAlert!19.10 Kwanghee & Haneul's work published in Nature Comm.19.09 Hyesun & Juseung started their 1st graduate year19.07 New undergrads for summer URP:  Younghoon CHOI, Beomsu KIM, Youhyun NAM, EunChong LEE & Jihyun CHOI19.05 Suhyeon's work published in Nano Lett.19.01 New undergrads for winter URP: Hyesun KIM & Myeongsik SHIN